South East

Adult Carers / Great Idea

Carers Improvement Programme

Haringey Council is reviewing its overall strategy and the support offered to carers. In line with the principles set out in the ‘Haringey Deal’ a commitment the council is making to co-producing its work, they want to make sure carers have an active role in influencing and developing the new approach.
Wellbeing Programmes / Great Practice

Artist in Residence

The Care for the Carers Artist in Residence project supports carers to share their experiences of caring and raise awareness through arts projects.
Info, Advice & Support / Young Adult Carers

Harrow Conversation Café

The Harrow Conversation Café is a project focused on helping unpaid carers, and vulnerable people including disabled people and people who have mental health challenges.
Great Idea / Info, Advice & Support

Newham Carers Small Grants Programme

The Newham Carers Small Grants Programme enables Newham residents to develop or continue running local peer support groups and access the wellbeing activities that they want and need. Successful applicants receive one off funding of up to £1000 per group, per year.
Wellbeing Programmes / Carer Breaks

Carers Cookery and Wellbeing Breaks Programme

Portsmouth Carers Service Carers Cookery and Wellbeing Breaks programme gives adult unpaid carers the opportunity to participate in activities which offer a break from caring. The activities offered also support carer health and wellbeing by promoting healthy eating, emotional, and physical and wellbeing activities, opportunities to develop new skills and interests, social engagement, and the chance to get outdoors to enjoy the natural world.
Adult Carers / Homeshare


Homeshare is an innovative project that can benefit people at the start of a caring journey for their parents, as well as for their parent themselves.
Great Idea / All-age Carers

All-Age Carers Strategy and Programme

The London Borough of Waltham Forest has refreshed its All-Age Carers Strategy in 2023, and has adopted a 3 year pro-active strategy that will drive and deliver positive outcomes for unpaid carers of all ages in Waltham Forest. This includes young carers, parent carers, adult carers, and a universal offer of personalised information, advice and guidance.
Great Practice / Info, Advice & Support

Carers and Financial Hardship

West Sussex County Council are undertaking pro-active work to help carers tackle the cost of living and financial hardship.
Mental Health Support / Great Idea

Working together to support carers in Barnet

Barnet Council's with carers is led by Barnet Carers Centre (BCC), who led on co-production for a new strategy, as well as chairing the new partnership board.
Info, Advice & Support / Financial Support

Carer Information Fairs

Carers don’t always know about their rights as carers and the range of support that exists. In response to this, Action for Carers Surrey have been running Carer Information Fairs for three years, held around Carers Rights Day each November.