Yorkshire & Humber
Dementia Care / Great Practice
Dementia Support for Carers
East Riding Carer Support Service has recruited two specialist Dementia Carer Support Officer to support carers of someone with dementia.
Digital Support / Great Practice
Digital Inclusion Project
Carers Leeds Digital Inclusion Project seeks to support carers to feel more confident in using digital support and resources. They provide personalized support to help carers achieve their digital goals.
Great Practice / Hospital support
Supporting Carers in the Hospital – North East Lincolnshire
The Carers' Support Service have a range of projects that support carers at the hospital. Each project is effective in its own right, but together they ensure the needs of Carers and the person they care for are met comprehensively.
All-age Carers / Info, Advice & Support
BAME Carer Roadshows
Carers Leeds have established a working group, involving third sector partners and carers, to strengthen partnership working across organisations to benefit carers from BAME communities. The working group have planned and are delivering a series of BAME carer roadshows to raise awareness of caring and provide information about support available for carers in Leeds.
Great Practice / Mental Health Support
Carer Break Service – A community and volunteer led approach
The carer break service in North Yorkshire was commissioned in October 2023 and is delivered by 3 lead voluntary organisations and 7 partner organisations. Rooted in a place-based approach this volunteer delivered model suits our local authority geography to support meeting the needs of carers in super rural, rural, and urban areas.
Great Idea / Substance Misuse Support
Substance Misuse Carer Support
York Carers Centre provide regular groups for carers of those who misuse substances or have addictions.
Info, Advice & Support / Identifying Carers
Building a Carer Friendly North Lincolnshire
In May 2023, North Lincolnshire Council's Carer Strategy Partners took a system-wide approach to improving the identification and recognition of Carers in North Lincolnshire. This was initiated through the “Carer Friendly North Lincolnshire” campaign which delivered a wide communications campaign to raise awareness of Carers.