Great Idea
Adult Carers / Digital Support
Carers Improvement Programme
Haringey Council is reviewing its overall strategy and the support offered to carers. In line with the principles set out in the ‘Haringey Deal’ a commitment the council is making to co-producing its work, they want to make sure carers have an active role in influencing and developing the new approach.
Great Idea / Young Adult Carers
Young Adult Carer Support Service
Durham County Council are delivering a bespoke Young Adult Carer Support service for carers aged 16-24 years, during key times of transition into adulthood, such as moves into further education, training, employment and moving out of the family home to live independently.
Adult Carers / Young Adult Carers
Carers Passport
The Carers Passport is a scheme enabling carers to be recognised for their caring role. It highlights the important role that a carer plays and the wealth of knowledge they have about the person they care for, encouraging health and care professionals to utilize this knowledge. The Carers Passport also gives carers access to support, services, and other benefits.
Adult Carers / Young Adult Carers
Newham Carers Small Grants Programme
The Newham Carers Small Grants Programme enables Newham residents to develop or continue running local peer support groups and access the wellbeing activities that they want and need. Successful applicants receive one off funding of up to £1000 per group, per year.
Great Idea / Info, Advice & Support
Support for Carers
Westmorland and Furness Council have developed two initiatives to help improve support for unpaid carers.
Great Idea / Substance Misuse Support
Substance Misuse Carer Support
York Carers Centre provide regular groups for carers of those who misuse substances or have addictions.
Great Idea / Carers Strategy
All-Age Carers Strategy and Programme
The London Borough of Waltham Forest has refreshed its All-Age Carers Strategy in 2023, and has adopted a 3 year pro-active strategy that will drive and deliver positive outcomes for unpaid carers of all ages in Waltham Forest. This includes young carers, parent carers, adult carers, and a universal offer of personalised information, advice and guidance.
Young Adult Carers / All-age Carers
Working together to support carers in Barnet
Barnet Council's with carers is led by Barnet Carers Centre (BCC), who led on co-production for a new strategy, as well as chairing the new partnership board.
Domestic Abuse Support / Identifying Carers
Unpaid Carers and Domestic Abuse Project
The Unpaid Carers and Domestic Abuse Project is a multi-agency project to improve support for carers in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who experience domestic abuse. The project has been informed by research and findings from a range of sources and information from local carer support organisations.