Hospital support

Hospital support / Info, Advice & Support

Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Our Dorset Hospital Carer Passport

The Hospital Carer Passport benefits all unpaid carers who wish to continue their caring role during a hospital admission and provides signposting to external agencies with follow-up support where possible.
Great Practice / Hospital support

Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Adult Carers Team

Dorset Council have created an internal specialist Adult Carers Team dedicated to the assessment (Care Act 2014) and support of Carers. This includes working with those who have complex and/or safeguarding concerns.
Hospital support / Adult Carers

Supporting Carers in the Hospital – North East Lincolnshire

The Carers' Support Service have a range of projects that support carers at the hospital. Each project is effective in its own right, but together they ensure the needs of Carers and the person they care for are met comprehensively.
Young Adult Carers / All-age Carers

Carers Passport

The Carers Passport is a scheme enabling carers to be recognised for their caring role. It highlights the important role that a carer plays and the wealth of knowledge they have about the person they care for, encouraging health and care professionals to utilize this knowledge. The Carers Passport also gives carers access to support, services, and other benefits.
Young Adult Carers / All-age Carers

Working together to support carers in Barnet

Barnet Council's with carers is led by Barnet Carers Centre (BCC), who led on co-production for a new strategy, as well as chairing the new partnership board.
Great Practice / Hospital support

Carers Lounge

The Carers Lounge was established to support unpaid carers whilst the person they support is in hospital. It is an information and advice service for carers within St Mary’s Hospital, IW. It is a place where carers can come for emotional support as well as practical advice about their caring role and rights.