Info, Advice & Support
Great Practice / Hospital support
Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Our Dorset Hospital Carer Passport
The Hospital Carer Passport benefits all unpaid carers who wish to continue their caring role during a hospital admission and provides signposting to external agencies with follow-up support where possible.
Great Practice / Hospital support
Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Adult Carers Team
Dorset Council have created an internal specialist Adult Carers Team dedicated to the assessment (Care Act 2014) and support of Carers. This includes working with those who have complex and/or safeguarding concerns.
Great Practice / Info, Advice & Support
Carer Friendly Communities Dorset
Forward Carers are on a mission to create Carer Friendly Communities across the country through impactful Carer support, a Carer Friendly ID Card and Carer Friendly Businesses Discount Scheme and Carer Friendly Workplaces programmes.
Dementia Care / Great Practice
Dementia Support for Carers
East Riding Carer Support Service has recruited two specialist Dementia Carer Support Officer to support carers of someone with dementia.
Info, Advice & Support / Identifying Carers
Carers’ Voice: High Peak Consultation Project
In 2023, Derbyshire Carers Association carried out a consultation project to document the current experiences of carers in High Peak (Derbyshire), as well as providing 'best practice' recommendations for the future based on insight gained from the carers involved.
Great Practice / Info, Advice & Support
Alzheimer’s Society – Community Dementia Adviser Service and Activity Groups Support
Halton Borough Council commissions a Dementia Advisor Service through the Alzheimer’s Society. The service forms a community support offer that sits beside clinical pathways.
Carer Breaks / Great Idea
Carers Improvement Programme
Haringey Council is reviewing its overall strategy and the support offered to carers. In line with the principles set out in the ‘Haringey Deal’ a commitment the council is making to co-producing its work, they want to make sure carers have an active role in influencing and developing the new approach.
Great Practice / Info, Advice & Support
Be Empowered
Be Empowered is a series of awareness and information sessions to provide Carers the opportunity to develop their skills and confidence and to recognise their own strengths and abilities.
Great Practice / Wellbeing Programmes
Halton Carers Centre – Dementia Carer Support
Halton Carers Centre's current offer for dementia carers involves providing information advice and signposting; support groups specifically for dementia carers; trips and activities; holistic therapies, counselling and access to the carer break fund – a pot of money that enables carers to purchase bespoke activities that help them take a break.
Great Practice / Hospital support
Supporting Carers in the Hospital – North East Lincolnshire
The Carers' Support Service have a range of projects that support carers at the hospital. Each project is effective in its own right, but together they ensure the needs of Carers and the person they care for are met comprehensively.